I've been protecting the shire on shift today since 10:30 PM last night, and got up at 6:00
AM for the shift change for my incoming partner. My God... she is so young,
but in this knight's opinion fully capable. Tis strange to work in the fire service with
someone born after 9-11. My own daughter was already 18 when my
shift partner came into this world. I have actually met her parents and
they are bikers, so OK in my book.
I had a leftover baked potato
and some kielbasa, so with a couple of fresh eggs from my birds cooked
over medium with some Mexican style shredded cheese and an English
Muffin, I had a good breakfast.

did the potato and kielbasa in the toaster oven for 10 minutes under
the broiler, while the English muffin went in the 4-slice toaster and I
fried up the eggs. Perfectly timed to all be hot and ready at the same
time. I thought about turning the potato into homefries, but opted to
just halve it with sour cream. I washed it down with an ice cold cup of
milk. Real milk... like I have drank all my life... from a cow. Not from
a nut tree, oat field, or soybean plant. As an aside; I was the oldest
of 3 siblings in an intact nuclear family of five. We went through 5 gallons
of milk a week. It came direct from the Moser Farms dairy store right
in the village. They sold a 5-gallon jug that fit in the ice box with a
spigot at the bottom. We also bought the rest of our dairy goods from
them, and went to their soft-serve ice cream stand once a week in the